A heathen, conceivably, but not, I hope, an unenlightened one
This is the mouse version of Norwegian journalist and author Didrik Søderlind.

The character shot on wetplate by Julie Loen
The portrait diorama is small, and needs a few significant pieces that reflects the subjects’ personality, interests and taste.
A bookshelf filled with books
Buliding the shelves from coffee sticks and other wooden pits and pieces. Using the excellent needle files for small detalis and finish. And, as I did with the Freud diorama, sculpting a bunch of books in polymerclay and painting them to give each one a certain look.
A small Ctuhlu sculpture was something I knew I wanted in here. As well as a little bronze miniature Basset Hound.
The goat mask was another essential.
The Album
Recreating the cover of New Songs for the Kindred Spirit of Kibbo Kift.
I used Gouache paint to get the bright colors really stand out. A plastic cover and a little label to finish it.
Recreating artworks
is always a lot of fun. Here is “Wittenberg 1888” by Sverre Malling, and Algiz rune.
I built frames from coffee sticks and painted them black.
I also made a Ctuhlu painting.